
Curious Minds empowers girls who are passionate, high performers in STEM to explore their full potential.

Through a eight-month hands-on extension and mentoring program, we combine two camps and mentoring program for girls in years 8, 9 and 10 who have limited opportunities because of where they live, including regional and remote locations, their socio-economic background, and/or their indigenous status.

Curious Minds is a program that first started in 2015, with funding received from the Federal Government. Since then, the program has been delivered to more than 760 students across Australia and helped to create a bond between students and their STEM Mentors.

This program was created with the intention of providing opportunities to students who live in remote locations with the ability, knowledge and power to dive into the world of STEM.

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In a fun and supportive environment, the girls will grow in confidence and ability whilst expanding their critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and their scientific networks.

They will also make new friends, be exposed to outstanding role models, practise new skills, and deepen their understanding of what their future may hold in the fields of STEM.


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Do you have a curious mind?

Applications are now open for the 2024-25 Curious Minds program!

Applications close 5pm AEST Monday 21 October 2024.

Please contact us on [email protected] if you have any questions!

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A message from Cathy Foley, our Patron and Australia’s Chief Scientist

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“Curious Minds’ hands-on focus allows girls to explore their passion for STEM in a supportive environment. I’ve been involved with it since it began, and am honoured to be the patron. I look forward to continuing to support the development of the next generation of female scientists.”

— Dr Cathy Foley, Australia’s Chief Scientist

Meet our team

David Brown

David Brown

Program Officer

Toni Falusi

Toni Falusi

Head Coach

Kelsie Dadd

Kelsie Dadd

Program Director

Mark Barnes

Mark Barnes

Program Manager

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  • Curious Minds is open to young Australian women who:
    • Are in Year 8, 9 or 10 and enrolled in an Australian school in 2025
    • Attend a school with an Index of Community Socio-Educational Advantage value of less than 1000 and/or resides in a rural, regional or remote area of Australia and/or identifies as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander.
    • Have demonstrated potential in one or more scientific subjects, including biology, chemistry, computer science/programming, earth science, engineering, mathematics or physics.
    • Are able to commit to full participation in the program, including a 5-day residential camp in December 2024 and a virtual camp in July 2025 and the STEM coaching program.
    • Are highly capable, hard-working and apply themselves
    • Are curious – they have a love of learning
    • Are an Australian Citizen or permanent resident

There are two camps – one residential camp (December 2024) and one online camp (July 2025).

In between the camps, there are online Connect Events that feature guest lectures, interactive sessions and networking.

There is also a mentoring program that matches each student to a female STEM coach working in the student’s area of interest. Through regular catch ups, the student and coach work on personal goals, discuss study options and career pathways and work on a project together

The program runs for eight months, and requires students to be available for both Summer camp in December and Winter camp in July, engage with their STEM Coach every 2-3 weeks from January to June, and interact where possible with Connect Sessions in-between the two camps.

Summer camp

East: 1 – 6 December 2024 held in Canberra
West: 8 – 13 December 2024 held in Adelaide

Winter camp

Combined: 7 – 11 July 2025 held online


The 2024/2025 Curious Minds program will be delivered using a hybrid model. The summer camps will be held in person and the winter camp will be online.

If you’re a student interested in participating, you will need to put in an application online via this site.

The application form will require you to fill out details about yourself, your education and will ask you to upload some documents.

You can apply here.

Learn more about being a student here.

Participants are asked for a financial contribution of $200 to help meet costs incurred for delivering the program. A fee waiver is available for all applicants unable to make this contribution as part of the application process.

The program was developed in response to the Australian Government’s 2014 Restoring the focus on STEM initiative, which aims to support improved science, mathematics and digital technology education in schools and promote improved results in international tests and increased take-up of STEM subjects at the post-secondary level.

The Australian Mathematics Trust (AMT) and Australian Science Innovations (ASI) jointly deliver the Curious Minds program, which is supported by the Australian National University.

Girls from rural, disadvantaged or Indigenous backgrounds will be particularly targeted.