Moe Myint Tha


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Introducing Moe Myint Tha, who participated in Curious Minds in 2019. Thank you Moe for sharing your update and photos.

Are you currently studying? If yes, what are you studying? Yes, I’m studying a Bachelor of Oral Health.

What have you been up to? I have just recently changed my degree from Biomedicine to Oral Health. This change has been largely motivated by the work experience I have gotten last year as a dental nurse and medical receptionist. Additionally, a summer internship I was accepted into has really emphasised my desire to further expand my contributions into my community as soon as possible, through fields, skills and experiences that I am passionate and have developed over the years.

How did your participation in Curious Minds impact future studies, careers and experiences?

I was connected with a large network of like-minded individuals who I am so proud and happy to call my lifelong friends in the vast field of STEM. It is especially empowering to be surrounded by so many amazing women who are just as passionate as I am and I am so grateful for Curious Minds for that.

Would you recommend Curious Minds? And why?

Yes. To be connected with the same network that I was introduced to and to experience a very special program with supportive people all around.

What were your highlights of being part of the Curious Minds program?

My highlight was definitely meeting other girls who were just as passionate about STEM, and having the opportunity to form precious, lasting friendships. Especially because I was in a school from rural NSW back then, this program allowed me to expand my vision into the field, alongside friends from all over the country, and was especially fortunate to learn from women who were industry experts in their respective roles.

Were there any challenges?

A challenge was having our second half of the camp in lockdown during COVID. It is an unexpected change to the planned schedule – we were so excited to return back to Canberra for the Winter Camp. However, the activities were just as interactive and we were supported by all the staff and our mentors at Curious Minds.